The Colonizer

About Project

Kareem, an obedient Christian Palestinian man, leads a reverent life, content in his daily rituals of devotion. When he discovers Theodor, a broken, hungry, homeless stranger at his gate, Kareem responds with grace, feeling deeply that this man was delivered to him by God. However, once Theodor is invited onto Kareem’s property, everything begins to change. Theodor’s presence is an immediate disruption to Kareem’s quiet, devotional life, challenging his devout heart to open in unexpected ways.

What begins as an act of service, becomes a direct challenge to Kareem’s generosity. Boundaries are pushed, liberties are taken, and Kareem must weigh his commitment to God with his attachment to the life and home he has built for himself. This story, rooted in the conflict of religious differences, takes us on a journey of the truest tests of faith. The pain one man carries from his own history of expulsion is now enacting pain and expulsion on another. As Theodor claims the space as his own, Kareem must adapt to what feels like a complete invasion. Will Kareem’s love of Christ endure as Theodor disrupts his daily routines and takes over his home? Will he accept the changes as they unfold, or fight to keep what belongs to him? Will he become one of countless others expelled from the life and land he’s known for generations or retreat with a peaceful heart? Is that even possible?

The challenges of faith in the face of adversity send Kareem into a transformation that may end in absolute destruction. A parable of the ruin and colonization of Palestine, Kareem’s path bears witness to the true power of maintaining hope in crisis.

Director : Malik J. Ali, Lindsay Frame Buss, Chozy Aiyub

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